Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Originally uploaded by ian McBian

Saturday, December 20, 2008

4 differnt colors of gray. at least.

Originally uploaded by ian McBian
i love gray days. they are so colorful.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008


It hasn't snowed yet. It is supposed to tomorrow. Please snow, Portland. Please, please snow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Rain and sleet

It is getting colder! The weather people are calling for snow, and I couldn't be more excited!

I am planning on getting a sled and ensuring that cocoa is well stocked. Oh, and I need to buy firewood!

The wonderful thing about snow in Portland is that the city shuts down. If there is less than an inch downtown, nobody has to go to work. I have five paid snow days planned in my year, just in case!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Send snow please

If you live on the East Coast, please send snow. If you live in the Midwest, please send snow. It rained today and was otherwise overcast and annoying.

I went on another job interview today. This make three, if you're counting. I am pretty sick of this process. Now I wait; I should hear back right before Christmas. So either, you get coal, or nice gifts all around.

My boss is a whiner.

Does your boss whine? Do you have to talk him down from freaking out? It's the same kind of energy I use with my daughter but with none of the cuteness.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grey and cold

Brrr. It's cold outside.

This is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me. We'll know if it works if I am still sane in March.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

grey, grey then sunny and cold

Originally uploaded by ian McBian

Today was sunny and cold. So cold it makes that last two days seem downright balmy.

At work the only way I notice the weather is by my gmail tree theme. It lets me know if it's rainy or sunny. My office has no windows. In fact, there are no windows in most of the building. It used to be a grocery store and was then converted into an office building. But! Did you know, dear reader, that there is another building right next door? Did you further know that this building is full of windows? Did you know it is empty? Well, empty except for one manager who has an extra office there. Him having an office in there necessitates that the entire building be heated. I've asked to move there. I've tried to negotiate several different ways. Alas! I cannot have an office with a window, even though there are more than five empty offices that are heated, and ready for me to be there. My boss's desire to interrupt me at whim is weighted heavier than my mental health. Still, sometimes let myself in one of those empty offices and sit on the floor, imagining.

Monday, December 1, 2008

It rained today

Also, look! Ian put up photographs! We're looking for a roommate, so if any of you three people reading this know of any awesome person that needs a room, let us know!

Originally uploaded by ian McBian

best viewed large. really.