Yesterday my roommate Ian and I were discussing the onset of fall. I was lamenting the seasonal depression that the rainy weather promises. We decided that Portland would be much more tolerable if we could cut out in the middle of winter for somewhere sunny.
I said that February or March are the hardest months. Ian said that March brings in new spring weather. He went so far as to proclaim that the rainclouds are broken up into blue skies (!) with puffy white clouds from time to time. This is where our disagreement led us to decide to keep a weather journal. It being the 21st century, we have brought our journal here. I (Tabatha) will do the writing. He will take the pictures.
Today it was hot and sunny. Workers were laying asphalt in our neighborhood, which made it feel oppressively hot. My underarms were sweating through my shirt.
While fall is surely around the corner, it hasn't really settled in yet.